
Showing posts from February, 2024

Senator Warner Sounds the Alarm

 Our Senator, Mark Warner, has sounded the alarm that thanks to the Republicans in the House of Representatives, another government shutdown is looming. “  Friends, I hope you’re doing well. I’m reaching out to update you on the latest with a potential government shutdown looming. To catch you up quickly, the government must appropriate funding on an annual basis or risk a shutdown, which unleashes chaos on millions of federal employees and citizens that rely on key federal programs. While renewing funding was originally supposed to be accomplished by September 30, 2023, Congress has now passed THREE eleventh-hour continuing resolutions (CRs) to keep the government funded at existing spending levels. While it definitely beats a reckless government shutdown, CRs waste taxpayer money and don’t fund critical new priorities at the necessary levels. They aren’t a great way to govern. Now, another deadline looms on Friday. If we don’t get something passed before then, we’ll be headed into a

Ben Cline - A threat to your family

Make no mistake. Ben Cline is fully engaged in ensuring a theocratic regime will control American society. He will support the targeting of anyone that resists Republican authoritarian policies.  Especially women will be attacked by the religious fundamentalists. No home is safe.  Vote to defeat the neo-Nazi GOP.  Think long game. Prepare now for the civil conflict ahead.  Use your time now to build self-defense networks with family and friends.

Ben Cline - Russian Agent of Influence?

  Is Ben Cline a Russian Agent of Influence? Trump is an obvious Putin Puppet. If you look at the Russian connections in Cline’s family, on his wife’s side, the Rocovichs, there is a suspicious relationship with Russian extreme racist nationalist politics. He loves Putin. He lacks the courage to fight Putin. Unlike the US soldiers from the Shenandoah Valley, who bravely waded ashore at Normandy on June 6th, 1944, to fight the Nazis in Europe, on a mission to fight Totalitarianism.  Ben Cline is a coward. While his predecessor in Congress, good old Bob Goodlatte, was mostly a “do nothing”, sad sack. Ben is motivated by extreme religious fundamentalism. He will work to support on-going attacks on your rights and freedoms in the country. He has become a despicable Trump minion. You have a choice the November. Fight for your rights and freedom. Sweep out Ben Cline.

6th District Dems will take on Cline

Hell’s Bells! There are two, count ‘em, two candidates for the Democratic primary in the our Congressional District, 6th CD of Virginia. Ken Mitchell  and Rod Grandon We will have more details to come. Our quick take on these guys is they are serious contenders.  Looking forward to kicking Benji Cline’s tail hide. Stay tuned…