
Repubs “Chicken Out”

My good friend, at Coarse Cracked Corn, has new post about our Senate race in our state. Good stuff: Tim Kaine is dealing with a  nut job.

Ben Cline votes to defund NATO

  In case you missed it… Our traitorous Congress Critter, Ben Cline, has voted recently to defund NATO. I don’t know what more can be said to make it clear he is in full support of Putin. Hundreds of US soldiers, sailors, and airmen from the Shenandoah Valley died in World War 2, fighting dictators like Hitler, Mussolini, and Tojo. Cline is all in with tyranny. Meanwhile the locals sleep through this risk to their future. Will the Newsleader, News Virginian, et al., give a shit. This is how the Nazis took over in Germany.  Fight now, over you will be fighting Trump storm troopers in the streets in our near future.

All Quiet on the Western Front of Virginia

  SITREP: 0945PM 30MAY24// No major MAGA hostile activity observed after Trump conviction in NYC. One high speed pass by pickup truck with Trump flags sighted near Verona,VA. No other activity of note. Will follow up with report at 1200HRS 31MAY24.//

McKellop - still locked up

 Our very own Augusta County insurrectionist, Jeffery McKellop can’t get it right. Booted his last lawyer, now on to his next lawyer. NO TRIAL DATE SET. The dude remains in custody. BTW, his Fishersville home is sold, he is “indignant” per court records. #ETTD 

We Leave No One Behind

Ken Mitchell will take the fight for Democracy to Ben Cline’s door step. Ken is running to unseat a “do nothing, know nothing” Congress Critter, Ben Cline. Cline is nothing but an insurrectionist. Cline is fully on board with MAGA neo-nazism. Cline will support hurting the women in your life. Unlike Ben, Ken has served his country in the US military.  To put it simply. Ben is a cowardly little dude. He’s done nothing but be a GOP sycophant for his whole career. We have covered this before. His wife’s father is the power behind his candidacy. He was sad sack former Congressman Goodlatte staffer. That’s it - his only qualification. A poser. Boot this bum. Go get ‘em Ken!  Ever forward!

Sedition Hunting - Waynesboro Man Arrested

  The FBI has caught another Augusta County violent seditionist. Bagged and Tagged.  Check out this article from The News Leader: Waynesboro man arrested, charged with violence against officers in Jan. 6, 2021 U.S. Capitol riots “Darl McDorman, 53, was arrested on felony and misdemeanor charges, including for allegedly assaulting law enforcement officers, for his participation in an attack on the Capitol Jan. 6, 2021, per a release from the U.S. Attorney's Office, District of Columbia.” Also from the NewsVirginian

Ben Cline is a Russian Asset

Make no mistake. Ben Cline is fully owned by the Russian Wing of the GOP. In his wife’s family there is a clear link to extreme fanatical theocracies. Checkout her father, he’s a religious fanatic activist based in Roanoke, “John Rocovich Jr.” He could cared less about the 6th CD of Virginia. Serving the desires of Putin is Ben’s goal. Boot Ben or your friends and family are in great peril.  The women in your life will be hurt by Ben’s extreme voting record. He will kill them in one way or another.  You have a choice. Ken Mitchell is running this November to oust Cline.   is the real deal.  We will leave no one behind. Protect your loved ones. Fight On Regardless!