We Leave No One Behind

Ken and his fiance, Michele Thomas, own a small farm in Rockingham County.

Ken Mitchell will take the fight for Democracy to Ben Cline’s door step.


Ken is running to unseat a “do nothing, know nothing” Congress Critter, Ben Cline. Cline is nothing but an insurrectionist. Cline is fully on board with MAGA neo-nazism. Cline will support hurting the women in your life.

Unlike Ben, Ken has served his country in the US military. 

To put it simply. Ben is a cowardly little dude. He’s done nothing but be a GOP sycophant for his whole career. We have covered this before. His wife’s father is the power behind his candidacy. He was sad sack former Congressman Goodlatte staffer. That’s it - his only qualification. A poser.

Boot this bum. Go get ‘em Ken! 

Ever forward!

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