
Showing posts from January, 2021

Know Your Trump Terrorist Neighbor

  USA Today has created a searchable list of Trump Terrorists that attacked the US Capitol on January 6th. It’s always wise to know the threat actors among us.  USA Today Trump Terrorist List

Who is a domestic terrorist?

 @RepBenCline @gop and all concerned in #va06 Visit @splcenter @Hatewatch if you want to know who needs to be concerned about @fbi US counter-terror focus. Pretty simple. Don’t be a violent hater. @NewsLeaderNOW @newsadvance @NewsVirginian @NBC29 @WHSVnews @DNRonline

Koch Industries - dark money not so popular

From Data for Progress "Koch Industries, like the fossil fuel industry writ large, has a symbiotic relationship with the Republicans they donate to. Data for Progress polling shows that this kind of political influence is unpopular with voters." @x3Marcela_ in @KansasReflector:

Ben Cline - Oops He Did It Again

232-197 Trump Impeached, Again  Ben Cline once again has failed to do the right thing. He joined the 197 GOP seditious traitors to block the delivery of timely justice to the Tyrant Trump, for leading the deadly insurrection at the US Capitol on 1/6/21. Newspaper front page after the US House of Representatives impeached Donald Trump for a second time From USA TODAY Trump impeached again: Front pages across the nation USA TODAY Jan. 14, 2021  Rep. Ben Cline spoke in opposition on the floor of the House of Representatives. He continues to propagate the Big Lie, denying the proper and legal election of President Joe Biden and VP Kamala Harris.  We are speculating that Cline, as well as other turncoat Republicans who voted to block Trump's 2nd impeachment, are doing it out of fear for their lives and the lives of their families . An understandable fear. So perhaps we'll defer calling it pure cowardice, but it is a reflection of what the GOP has allowed to happen in this country.

Be Vigilant - Report Trump Terrorists

 Be Vigilant Be On the Look Out for Trump Terrorists Three Percenters (III%)  -- Oathkeepers -- Proud Boys QAnon Threat Actors and related armed domestic terror groups See SPLC Hate Map  for known hate groups Imminent Threats - Call Local Law Enforcement 911 or State Law Enforcement,  in Virginia for suspected terror activities - Virginia Fusion Center CALL 877-4VA-TIPS Online Suspicious Activity Report  form Suspicious Activity contact the FBI    FBI Online Tip Form  or in DMV region contact FBI Field Offices Norfolk (757) 455-0100 Covers the southeastern part of Virginia,  including the Southside, Peninsula, and  the Virginia Eastern Shore,  Richmond (804) 261-1044 Covers most of the state of Virginia—82 counties  and 24 independent cities—except  Northern Virginia and the Eastern Shore. Washington 601 4th Street NW Washington, DC 20535 (202) 278-2000 Covers the District of Columbia and  several counties in Northern Virginia Balt

'Treachery': Ben Cline

  'Treachery': Protest at Rep. Cline's Staunton office after he tries to subvert election By Brad Zinn at Staunton  Newsleader "STAUNTON — Two dozen protesters demonstrated at U.S. Rep. Ben Cline's Staunton office Saturday morning following his effort this week in Congress to overturn a fair and democratic national election."... 

Western Virginia Sedition Gang - Cline, Good & Griffith - Rides Again

Excellent opinion piece by Dan Casey from CASEY: Who should you report to the Democracy Stoppers Hotline? I'm sure the FBI is getting swamped with thousands of tips as to the insurrectionists' identities. A case can be made that three congressmen from western Virginia ought to be considered suspects. Dan Casey  Jan 9, 2021 "... If you feel outraged about that, persuade the Democracy Stoppers Hotline that Griffith conspired to obstruct the U.S. Constitution by interfering with the counting of certified electoral votes. Arguably, that’s an offense against democracy. And if it’s not a crime yet, it might be soon, now that Democrats are in control of Congress. So don’t forget that number: 1 (800) CALL-FBI. I’d feel proud if you told them you got the idea from me!"

Ben Cline - Seditionist

 In light of the events on January 6th, 2021, it's urgent that we shift our focus to the protection of Democracy.  In the spirit of Think Global, Act Local; it is time to take action against those in Congress that attempted to steal the Presidential Election. Our very own, Representative Ben Cline, was at the forefront of the seditious effort to undermine the fair election of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.   (source: Newsleader 1/7/21) source: Here is his own deceitful statement: Rep. Cline to Support Objections to Presidential Electors on January 6 He is knowingly propagating lies. Numerous State and Federal Courts have heard all the spurious allegations of voting irregularities, and uniformly they have been found to be without merit, and properly rejected.  There is only one reason continues this effort, he is a Trump sycophant. He would rather have us ruled by a fascist tyrant, with no limits of the injury to our county he has caused; than support the