Ben Cline - Oops He Did It Again

232-197 Trump Impeached, Again 

Ben Cline once again has failed to do the right thing. He joined the 197 GOP seditious traitors to block the delivery of timely justice to the Tyrant Trump, for leading the deadly insurrection at the US Capitol on 1/6/21.

Newspaper front page after the US House of Representatives impeached Donald Trump for a second time

Trump impeached again: Front pages across the nation
USA TODAY Jan. 14, 2021 

Rep. Ben Cline spoke in opposition on the floor of the House of Representatives. He continues to propagate the Big Lie, denying the proper and legal election of President Joe Biden and VP Kamala Harris. 

We are speculating that Cline, as well as other turncoat Republicans who voted to block Trump's 2nd impeachment, are doing it out of fear for their lives and the lives of their families. An understandable fear. So perhaps we'll defer calling it pure cowardice, but it is a reflection of what the GOP has allowed to happen in this country. We need to protect all of our elected representatives. We must defeat Trumpism.

Of signifiant note, 10 Republican House members did vote in support of impeachment. As bi-partisan a statement that could be made under the circumstances. 

It's time to root of the Trump Terrorists, maybe only then, Ben Cline could start to do the right thing and represent all his constituents in a more balanced statesmanship. 

We will see. Troubled days ahead. Do your part to Be Vigilant. Observe & Report Trump Traitors to the FBI.

The fight has been joined to protect Democracy. We will not abide insurrectionists and traitors.

Per the motto of our local National Guard unit, the 116th Infantry Brigade Combat Team:


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