Be Vigilant - Observe & Report Trump Terrorists

 Reposting this in light of attack on FBI office in Cincinnati.

 Be Vigilant

Be On the Look Out for Trump Terrorists

Three Percenters (III%)  -- Oathkeepers -- Proud Boys
QAnon Threat Actors
and related armed domestic terror groups

See SPLC Hate Map for known hate groups

Imminent Threats - Call Local Law Enforcement 911
or State Law Enforcement, 

in Virginia for suspected terror activities - Virginia Fusion Center

Suspicious Activity contact the FBI   FBI Online Tip Form 

or in DMV region contact FBI Field Offices

(757) 455-0100

Covers the southeastern part of Virginia, 
including the Southside, Peninsula, and 
the Virginia Eastern Shore, 

(804) 261-1044

Covers most of the state of Virginia—82 counties 
and 24 independent cities—except 
Northern Virginia and the Eastern Shore.

601 4th Street NW
Washington, DC 20535
(202) 278-2000

Covers the District of Columbia and 
several counties in Northern Virginia

2600 Lord Baltimore Drive
Baltimore, MD 21244
(410) 265-8080
Covers the entire states of Maryland and Delaware

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